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Noraini Milne

Muslim Wellbeing Outreach Coordinator

Languages: Malay, Indonesian, and English

Tēnā koutou katoa. 

Ka tū au ki te tuku mihi ki a koutou.  

Ko Mt Faber te maunga.

Ko Singapore strait te moana.

Ko Khalsum ko Atok ko Abdul Rahman ko Mohammad ōku kaumātua.

Ko Hamidah tōku whaea. 

Ko Abbas tōku matua. 

Ko Noraini tōku ingoa. 

Nō Te Singapore au. 

Nō reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou,

tēnā koutou katoa. 

Assalamualaikum. Dah makan? My name is Noraini Abbas Milne. "Dah makan" means have you eaten, and is a common Malay phrase. We love our food and know with eating together, greater things can happen. I am also Buginese and our ancestry is known for its fearless seafaring.  
It is a privilege to work as an Outreach Coordinator with a team of dedicated and committed members of our Muslim community. I pray that my being part of this team will benefit our clients and the wider community in their healing journey, growth, and thriving wellbeing.


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Muslim Wellbeing Ōtautahi is provided by Purapura Whetu Trust.
All rights reserved 2023.

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